family life
for good.


How we help

When families are struggling to be the whānau they want to be, it may be because they have no real experience of nurture themselves.  Often, they have long histories of hurt and face multiple challenges and frustrations. When whānau come to Iosis for help, we walk alongside them step by step as they journey towards changing their family life for the better.

Our approach

Our unique approach combines experiential learning programmes, practical support and coaching that leads to lasting change. It consists of the three stages of Whakapono, Whakapapa and Whanaketanga (Believing, Belonging and Becoming).


Our services

Iosis supports parents and family members to change their family life for good through providing a range of free services and group or one-to-one programmes.


Stacy's story

“My kids now know I love them”

Stacy has overcome a lot to have her children back in her life and her family united.


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